The Luders 33 was designed by Bill Luders and built by Allied Boat Company, Inc. from 1966 to 1974.
Allied built 107 of these classic sailboats at their Catskill, NY facility.
Bill Luders was the creator of the 1964 America's Cup contender - American Eagle.
Our Mission
To bring together like-minded boaters to share our experiences, adventures and knowledge. Most of us have made substantial improvements and solved problems common to the Luders 33. We try to bring together these ideas and experiences in order to help each other get the most out of our boating experience. Hopefully this site will eventually help those who are too far away to join us at our Luncheons and Rendezvous. |
About Us
We are a friendly group with about 35 of these fine boats in our organization. We meet for a luncheon twice per year (North and South of Cape Cod) and sponsor a couple of Rendezvous each summer. We'd like to know about all 107 of the Luders 33's that were built. We have a library of Technical Articles with advice about solving maintenance problems common the Luders 33 and making improvements. Topics include: selecting the right prop, fitting and inner forestay, repairing leaks under the sea hood, etc. |
For information about our organization or membership please contact one of the following Officers. Butler's the one on the right.
Our Fearless LeadersButler Smythe
Commodore Phone: 207-374-3838 Web Site Gerry Muller Vice Commodore Phone: 508-737-6701 Allen Gamache Secretary/Treasurer Phone: 508-754-2821 You can also find us on Facebook
Luders 33 Owners - request to join. Webmaster: Butler Smythe |
Luders 33 Owners Wanted
We'd like to hear from you, about your boat, where you are, and what you're up to. We'd also like photos of your boat that you might be willing to share. Registering helps to support the value and awareness of the boats, while also potentially adding information work projects, upgrades that may have value to others. So if you're not registered and wish to be, please use the Luders 33 Registration Form located on the Links & Register page. There is No Cost to Join. For those already registered, you can use the same form to note your name and update only what might have changed. Boats that sell are also important to know.
We hold a luncheon in March as well as a ZOOM GAM soon after for our registered members. If interested, owners can Rendezvous in common areas, such as New England during the summer. The only requirement is that you're interested in Allied's Luders 33.
Northern Star (Hull #71) sailing on San Francisco Bay
Some seasonal photos...
You might enjoy - From Cruising World 1996 |